I've painted a piece of our 3pdr batallion gun in ground-Pose for display.
I hope you like it.
Marching Prussians on the way to the caster...
Frank sent me the last photo of the marching prussians, before they get packed and shipped to the caster. We have a limited first run, so Pre-Orders are very welcome for all who wants to get some of these nice guys fast.
Correction 13.12.2013:
I listed them already in our onlineshop, so you can order them thru the shop now.
Correction 13.12.2013:
I listed them already in our onlineshop, so you can order them thru the shop now.
Right out of the printer
Today the new barrels arrived. They are all in rough shape. On some photos you can see rough-shaped carriages, too. The details will be sculpt at the surfaces later. There is no release date yet, just a little appetizer...;-)
Dieskau 6pdr, Holtzmann light 12pdr, Heavy 12pdr "Brummer"
Upcoming SYW Prussian Command marching
I met the very talented Frank Germershaus at the Symposium 2013 last weekend and he have our new greens with him.
We are looking foreward to release the marching prussian musketeers and a command for them soon.
There will no special Regiment (off course IR 3), so you will have only 3 pairs of buttons at the lapels, to keep them as geeric as possible.
So you can paint the further details of you regiment without scrapping off any decoration.
Here is a W.I.P Photo of the upcomming Command Team:
...and more wheels in the standart prussian diameters for further Cannons and maybe some wagons...
If you want to be one of the first, you can place pre-orders for the marching Prussians now. ;-)
Just drop me a mail!
We are looking foreward to release the marching prussian musketeers and a command for them soon.
There will no special Regiment (off course IR 3), so you will have only 3 pairs of buttons at the lapels, to keep them as geeric as possible.
So you can paint the further details of you regiment without scrapping off any decoration.
Here is a W.I.P Photo of the upcomming Command Team:
...and more wheels in the standart prussian diameters for further Cannons and maybe some wagons...
Just drop me a mail!
Greens of the upcoming marching Prussians
Frank sent me some pics of the upcoming Prussians in marching-pose.
He did a very good job as ever... He's working on the command-set now.
He did a very good job as ever... He's working on the command-set now.
New codes
New stuff available!
Our first artillery-sets are available now.
Frank our Sculptor made an excellent job again.
So you can order the following sets from our Onlineshop now.
PA 1 - Beaurye - 3pounder battalion-gun
PA 2 - Ammunition limber
PA 3 - Artillery-crew in "initial-pose" (5)
PZ 1 - Military chaplain
Pictures are comming soon!
Frank our Sculptor made an excellent job again.
So you can order the following sets from our Onlineshop now.
PA 1 - Beaurye - 3pounder battalion-gun
PA 2 - Ammunition limber
PA 3 - Artillery-crew in "initial-pose" (5)
PZ 1 - Military chaplain
Pictures are comming soon!
Beauvrys 3-pdr ready for moulding
Here you can see the actual pics of our upcomming Beavrys 3-pdr. It turns out very well and is on the way to our caster now.
Prussian Military Caplain - Feldprediger
coming soon:
Aus dem Blackwenn (translation below....) :
The members of the active soldiers belonged to the regiment community , and as the chaplain led the Zivils statistics on these women and children , summarized and evaluated by the field Probst.
Many church records , often specify the type of acts are still preserved ; since 1742 was the Office of the Provost, with the position as chaplain of the guard no. 15.
The chaplain served until they were each served by a good parish : According to contemporary reports and autobiographies a group bible fixed but it lively and versatile interested and educated gentlemen.
A < Uniform> was introduced in late 1742. She fell on through unorthodox style , which was felt < abbé – standard> as .
New were the blue , white fringed Bäffchen and over the tunic , a relatively short silk jacket ( in the old sense of the word , ie cloak ), also was a great-coat ( Roquelaur ) are supported – all in black, as well as petticoats , stockings and shoes – boots in the field . Even the wig more – relatively small and provided with pigtail – much of the solemn hairstyles from colleagues .
Aus dem Blackwenn (translation below....) :
Militärseelsorge war von jeher selbstverständlich. Die
Feldprediger der regimenter unterstanden einem Feldprobst; daneben gab es
reformierte und katholische Geistliche in den größeren Garnisonen wie auch im
Feld. Für die Russen bei der Grenadiergarde No.6 in Potsdam wurde – so lange
Bedarf war – ein Pope gehalten.
Die Angehörigen der aktiven Soldaten gehörten zur
Regimentsgemeinde, und die Feldprediger führten wie die des Zivils eine
Statistik über diese Frauen und Kinder, durch den Feldprobst zusammengefasst
und ausgewertet.
Zahlreiche Kirchenbücher, oft nach Art der Amtshandlungen
spezifiziert, sind noch erhalten; seit 1742 war das Amt des Probstes mit der
Stellung als Feldprediger der Garde No. 15 verbunden.
Die Feldprediger dienten, bis sie jeweils durch eine gute
Pfarre versorgt wurden: Nach zeitgenössischen Berichten und Selbstbiographien
eine Gruppe bibelfester, dabei aber munterer und vielseitig interessierter und
gebildeter Herren.
Eine < Uniform > wurde Ende 1742 eingeführt. Sie fiel
auf durch unorthodoxen Stil, der als < abbé-mäßig > empfunden wurde.
Neu waren vor allem die blauen, weiß gesäumten Bäffchen und
über dem Leibrock ein relativ kurzer seidener Mantel (im alten Sinne des
Wortes, also Radmantel); außerdem konnte ein Überrock ( Roquelaur) getragen werden –
alles in Schwarz, wie auch Unterkleider, Strümpfe und Schuhe -, im Feld
Stiefel. Auch die Perücke wich – relativ klein und mit Zopf versehen –
deutlich von den gravitätischen Frisuren der Kollegen ab.
![]() |
Gst 80. Wellner:
Feldprediger (Mitte): 1764 erstmals für einen Feldprobst
violette Bäffchen.
Translation (thanks a lot to Dye4minis):
Military chaplaincy was of course from time immemorial. The chaplain
of the regiments were under a field Probst , in addition, there were
Reformed and Catholic clergy in the larger garrisons as well as in the
field. A priest held – for the Russians at the Grenadier Guards No.6 in
Potsdam – as long as was necessary.The members of the active soldiers belonged to the regiment community , and as the chaplain led the Zivils statistics on these women and children , summarized and evaluated by the field Probst.
Many church records , often specify the type of acts are still preserved ; since 1742 was the Office of the Provost, with the position as chaplain of the guard no. 15.
The chaplain served until they were each served by a good parish : According to contemporary reports and autobiographies a group bible fixed but it lively and versatile interested and educated gentlemen.
A < Uniform> was introduced in late 1742. She fell on through unorthodox style , which was felt < abbé – standard> as .
New were the blue , white fringed Bäffchen and over the tunic , a relatively short silk jacket ( in the old sense of the word , ie cloak ), also was a great-coat ( Roquelaur ) are supported – all in black, as well as petticoats , stockings and shoes – boots in the field . Even the wig more – relatively small and provided with pigtail – much of the solemn hairstyles from colleagues .
After a long time I post some news for you.
A picture of the upcoming first set of a prussian artillery crew.
They will show the ground pose of the Prussian Artillery Reglement.
Frank is doing the last touches on the Beauvrys 3-pounder, so we hope to
release them soon...the crew and a first batallion-gun.

A picture of the upcoming first set of a prussian artillery crew.
They will show the ground pose of the Prussian Artillery Reglement.
Frank is doing the last touches on the Beauvrys 3-pounder, so we hope to
release them soon...the crew and a first batallion-gun.
(the cannon is WIP! The wheels are not of the correct size) |
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