
Right out of the printer

Today the new barrels arrived. They are all in rough shape. On some photos you can see rough-shaped carriages, too. The details will be sculpt at the surfaces later. There is no release date yet, just a little appetizer...;-)
Dieskau 6pdr, Holtzmann light 12pdr, Heavy 12pdr "Brummer"


Upcoming SYW Prussian Command marching

I met the very talented Frank Germershaus at the Symposium 2013 last weekend and he have our new greens with him.
We are looking foreward to release the marching prussian musketeers and a command for them soon.
There will no special Regiment (off course IR 3), so you will have only 3 pairs of buttons at the lapels, to keep them as geeric as possible.
So you can paint the further details of you regiment without scrapping off any decoration.
Here is a W.I.P Photo of the upcomming Command Team:

...and more wheels in the standart prussian diameters for further Cannons and maybe some wagons...

If you want to be one of the first, you can place pre-orders for the marching Prussians now. ;-)
Just drop me a mail!
