

New stuff out of the printer and thoughts about horses

I get a parcel from the printing-service including the lafette of the upcomming 6pdr and the first howitzer. The barrel of the howitzer isn't finished yet, but It will be soon.
Next I received some test-horse-dollies from the very productive and talented guys of Westfalia.
I take some comparison shots to look at the size. I think they will match our range perfectly. I.M.O. the poses are very natural, this is a great plus. Tell me, what you think about the horses...can you imagine some BHM-Curassiers or Generals upon them? Or a full artillery train? I do!
I'm so glad, that the guys of Westfalia make them available to use in licence...


More painted Prussians...

Marc "Tellus" Werwie sent me pics of a Prussian Grandier N.C.O. bought at the Tactica and painted by him. Thanks a lot for sharing!


New painted Prussians by Michael Davis

Michael sent me pictures of his newly painted BHM-Prussians.
Great work by Leuthen Studio!